Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
NEW! FingerSCAN DecedentID for iOS
Fix Your Fingerprinting Quality or Lose Your Fingerprinting Practice All Together!
Three Unknown Homicide Victims Identified Within 45 Minutes Using FingerSCAN DecedentID
How to Improve Outcomes in the Comparison of Known and Unknown Fingerprint Images
"We Were Able to Create Peace of Mind in the Community"
FingerSCAN DecedentID Has a New Look!
Introducing the World's 1st Elimination Fingerprinting Solution that runs on Android Smartphones
Happy 3rd Birthday!
Extreme Vetting - What does it mean?
2 Fingerprinting Options for Transportation Security Clearinghouse
WoVoIS Identifies Gaps in Airport/Airline Security Vetting Requirements
We're On Coroner Talk
Why Fingerprinting-as-a-Service for Firearms Dealers Makes Cents
FingerSCAN DecedentID Achieves High Marks from the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner
Happy Birthday FingerSCAN S3
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Approves FingerPRO ID as a Livescan Fingerprinting
Fingerprinting Options for Port Authorities
WoVo Identity Solutions is Now CVE Verified with Department of Veteran Affairs
The Nevada Department of Public Safety Approves FingerPRO ID as a Livescan Fingerprinting Option in